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devil 是什么意思?

时间:2024-07-02 02:02:18来源:肆参拓扑网



魔鬼, 恶魔; [the devil ]魔王; (=satan)撒旦

恶人, 恶棍, 残暴的人; 凶残的野兽; (贪婪等)邪恶的化身


精力充沛[绝伦]的人; 了不起的人; 无所顾忌的人


(=printer's devil)(印刷厂的)助手[学徒]

【纺】(破布等的)扯碎机; 打粗纱头机


[the devil][与 who what, where, why 连用][口]究竟, 到底, 决不

加有辛辣调味品的菜肴; 辣子肉

(=dust devil)【气】小尘暴, 尘旋风

little [young] devil


work like the devil


he has lost his job, poor devil!

他失业了, 可怜 的人!

how the devil is it?


though one of the engines failed, the pilot managed a safe landing .he is indeed a devil of a fellow.

尽管有一个发动机失灵了, 这位飞行员还是设法安全着陆。他真是个了不起的家伙。


a [the] devil of a 讨厌的; 异常的, 麻烦的; 有趣的

and the devil knows what [who] 以及其他种种(以及其他的人)

as [like] the devil [口] 极度地; 猛烈地; 拼命地

as the devil loves holy water 非常厌恶(憎恨)

be a devil to eat 很能吃, 饭量大

be a devil to work 很能干

be in a devil of a hole [俚]处境非常尴尬

beat the devil [美, 俚]压倒一切, 真了不起

beat the devil out of sb. [美口]把某人打得半死, 痛殴某人

between the devil and the deep [blue] sea 进退两难

blue devil 恶鬼

blue devils 沮丧, 忧郁 耍酒风

each for himself and the devil take the hindmost. [谚]争先恐后, 落后者遭殃(资产阶级个人主义的准则)。

give the devil his due 平心而论, 说公道话

go to the devil 完蛋, 落魄, 毁灭 滚开! 去你的吧!

he must [should] have a long spoon that sups with the devil. [谚]同坏人打交道必须提高警惕。

he must needs go whom [that] the devil drives.(=needs must when the devil drives.) [谚]情势所迫, 只好如此。

hug sb. as the devil hugs a witch [废、谑]紧紧地拥抱某人

...is the devil (of it) ... 是一个很大的困难, ...是一件很讨厌的事

it's easier to raise the devil than to lay him. [谚]召鬼容易驱鬼难; 请神容易送神难。

like the [a] devil (=like devils) [口]象什么似地, 拚命地, 猛烈地

lucky devil [口]幸运的家伙, 幸运儿

paint the devil blacker than he is 过甚其词

play the [very] devil with (=play the devil and all with ) [口]破坏, 糟蹋, 使失败

pull devil, pull baker 大家加油啊! 激烈的角斗

pull the devil by the tail [口]不断同贫困做斗争; 走向破产; 剩下最后一着

raise the devil (念咒)召唤魔鬼 (=raise cain)惹乱子 [口]狂欢 [口]提出强烈抗议, 采取断然措施

red devils [军、俚]?



魔鬼, 恶魔; [the devil ]魔王; (=satan)撒旦



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