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smooth criminal什么意思

时间:2024-07-06 13:46:27来源:肆参拓扑网

一、smooth criminal犯罪高手;温和的罪人(歌曲名)


1、"smooth criminal" was an evocation of bloody assault, rape and likely murder.


2、on purpose of protecting the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings, thisdepartment detains the criminal suspects and defendants who are arrested anddetained according to law.


3、mr. jackson never stopped being catchy, but behind the sheen some of thesongs grew darker and stranger, like “smooth criminal, ” with its intimations ofviolence, on the 1987 album “bad.”

他从未停止让自己变得更有名,但是在这些光环背后,他的歌曲渐渐变得有阴暗和怪异,比如 1987年发布的专辑《bad》里面的“smooth criminal“,就带着暗示的暴力倾向。



smooth criminal 犯罪高手

thriller and smooth criminal 喜欢录影带

mj smooth criminal 大提琴表演

smooth criminal - mj 喜爱的音乐

smooth criminal reprise 犯罪高手

t smooth criminal 英国蓝调摇滚

t smooth criminal 噪音摇滚

smooth criminal- 迈克尔·杰克逊

a smooth criminal 犯罪高手

二、《犯罪高手》(smooth criminal)是迈克尔 杰克逊《bad》专辑里的歌曲之一,拍摄的mv十分华丽,在其中里还有mj自创的前倾45度动作,在mj "bad"巡演部分场次、"dangerous"巡演和"history"巡演中深受大家的欢迎,尤其是前倾45度,简直让人难以置信。此歌曲节奏强劲,听来震撼人心,是迈克尔杰克逊的经典金曲之一。不论是mv中还是现场表演中,迈克尔对这首歌曲的演绎都是最为精彩的,体现了他高超的舞蹈艺术和无上的巨星魅力。



as he came into the window 他破窗而入smooth criminal歌曲mv图册

it was the sound of a crescendo 弄出巨大声响

he came into her apartment 他钻进她的房间

he left the bloodstains on the carpet 让她血染地毯

she ran underneath the table 她在桌下乱窜

he could see she was unable 他见其已无力反抗

so she ran into the bedroom 她又逃向卧室

she was struck down 却猛被打翻

it was her doom 命丧当场

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

(annie are you ok?)(安妮,你还好吧?)

(will you tell us that you'reok?)(能告诉我们你没事吗?)

(there's a sign in th****dow)(窗户上有袭击的痕迹)

(that he struck you-acrescendo annie)(当时一定有很大声响)

(he came into yourapartment)(他钻进你的房间)

(he left the bloodstains onthe carpet)(让你血染地毯)

(then you ran into thebedroom)(你逃向卧房)

(you were struck down)(却被打翻)

(it was your doom)(命丧当场)

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

you've been hit by 害你的凶手

you've been hit by- 是一个

a smooth criminal 犯罪高手

so they came into the outway 人们从紧急出口赶来

it was sunday-what a black day 多么可怕的周末

mouth to mouth resuscitation 口对口做人工呼吸

sounding heartbeats- 听起来心跳

intimidations 太不正常

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

(annie are you ok?)(安妮,你还好吧?)

(will you tell us that you'reok?)(能告诉我们你没事吗?)

(there's a sign in the window)(窗户上有袭击的痕迹)

(that he struck you-acrescendo annie)(当时一定有很大声响)

(he came into yourapartment)(他钻进你的房间)

(he left the bloodstains onthe carpet)(让你血染地毯)

(then you ran into thebedroom)(你逃向卧房)

(you were struck down)(却被打翻)

(it was your doom)(命丧当场)

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

so, annie are you ok? 安妮,你还好吧?

are you ok, annie? 你没事吧,安妮?

(annie are you ok)?(安妮,你还好吧?)

(will you tell us that you'reok?)(能告诉我们你没事吗?)

(there's a sign in the window)(窗户上有袭击的痕迹)

(that he struck you-acrescendo annie)(当时一定有很大声响)

(he came into your apartment)(他钻进你的房间)

(he left the bloodstains onthe carpet)(让你血染地毯)

(then you ran into the bedroom)(你逃向卧房)

(you were struck down)(却被打翻)

(it was your doom)(命丧当场)

(annie are you ok?)(安妮,你还好吧?)

(will you tell us that you'reok?)(能告诉我们你没事吗?)

(there's a sign in the window)(窗户上有袭击的痕迹)

(that he struck you-acrescendo annie)(当时一定有很大声响)

(he came into your apartment)(他钻进你的房间)

(he left the bloodstains onthe carpet)(让你血染地毯)

(then you ran into the bedroom)(你逃向卧房)

(you were struck down)(却被打翻)

(it was your doom,annie!)(命丧当场,安妮!)

(awo! - awo!)

smooth criminal






1. 犯罪高手

2. 温和的罪人



in consequence, we must locate their role and relations correctly bacause it decide thesmooth operation of criminal procedure even the building of country of rule of law.


smooth criminal : 犯罪高手

《犯罪高手》(smooth criminal)是迈克尔·杰克逊的流行音乐作品之一

smooth criminal


犯罪高手(smooth criminal)》是世界流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊(michael jackson)发行于1988年11月的专辑《bad》中的第7支单曲。该曲第一次播放是在迈克尔·杰克逊主演的电影《外星战将》中,电影中,安妮(annie)被坏人捉去,迈克尔·杰克逊变成汽车后来到一间酒吧,歌曲便用音乐完成了讯问安妮的下落。 很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步


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