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时间:2024-09-28 07:21:48来源:肆参拓扑网

是英文,常指“一旦,曾经”。 1、一次 i've only been there once. 我只去过那里一次。 he cleans his car once a week. 他每周洗一次汽车。 she only sees her parents once every six months. 她每半年才探望一次父母。 2 、曾;曾经 i once met your mother. 我曾经见过你母亲。 he once lived in zambia. 他曾在赞比亚生活过。 this book was famous once, but nobody reads it today. 这本书曾名噪一时,但现在却无人问津。 3、(用于否定句、疑问句和if后)曾,根本 he never once offered to he**. 他从没有主动提出过帮忙。 if she once decides to do something, you won't change her mind. 她一旦决定干什么,谁也改变不了她的主意。

once: 做副词 1.一次,一回。 eg:i saw him once and never again. 我见过他一回,以后再也没见到过。 once a week ,she wrote to her mother. 她一星期一次给她妈妈写信。 2:曾经,一度 eg:she was oce my best friend. 她曾是我最好的朋友。 3:用于条件句、否定句等,一旦 eg:if you once forget it,you won't come up with it again.你一旦忘记它,就不会再想起来。 4:用于否定句,一次也,完全 eg:i haven't seen him here once.我自爱这里一次也没见到过他。 i couldn't once get his meaning.我完全不能理解他的意思。 5:乘以1 eg:once eight is eight. 一乘八得八。 6:亲属关系上隔一代 eg:a cousin once removed 同(外)曾祖的堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹) 做名词 一次,一回 eg:do it just this once .就做这一次。 做连词 一旦......就...... eg:once you have taken the examination ,you will be able to relax. 你一旦考过,就可以轻松了。 做形容词 从前的,一度的 eg:the once capital of the nation 那个国家的旧都。 答题完毕,希望对你有所帮助。

once: 做副词 1.一次,一回。 eg:i saw him once and never again. 我见过他一回,以后再也没见到过。 once a week ,she wrote to her mother. 她一星期一次给她妈妈写信。 2:曾经,一度 eg:she was oce my best friend. 她曾是我最好的朋友。 3:用于条件句、否定句等,一旦 eg:if you once forget it,you won't come up with it again.你一旦忘记它,就不会再想起来。 4:用于否定句,一次也,完全 eg:i haven't seen him here once.我自爱这里一次也没见到过他。 i couldn't once get his meaning.我完全不能理解他的意思。 5:乘以1 eg:once eight is eight. 一乘八得八。 6:亲属关系上隔一代 eg:a cousin once removed 同(外)曾祖的堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹) 做名词 一次,一回 eg:do it just this once .就做这一次。 做连词 一旦......就...... eg:once you have taken the examination ,you will be able to relax. 你一旦考过,就可以轻松了。 做形容词 从前的,一度的 eg:the once capital of the nation 那个国家的旧都。 答题完毕,希望对你有所帮助。

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