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时间:2024-09-27 17:28:21来源:肆参拓扑网

leader: [ 'li:d ] n. **,领导者 例句与用法: 1. which football team is the leader in the football championship? 现在哪个队在足球锦标赛中领先? 2. he was elected the leader of the union. 他被选为工会的领导人。 3. people came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader. 人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的**。 4. he's a follower, not a leader. 他是追随者,不是领导者。 5. they decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue. 他们为永远纪念那位**决定建一座雕像。 6. he is a leader who is magnanimous in victory. 他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的**。 7. they handed in their war booty to their leader. 他们把战利品上缴给了上级。 8. we are disciples of the artistic leader. 我们是那位艺术**的追随者。

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