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时间:2024-09-27 12:12:04来源:肆参拓扑网

急促 急忙 匆忙 催促 赶快 例子如下: we must hurry up,or we'll be late. 咱们快点吧,不然就迟到了。 hurry dear, coming is the bus. 快点,亲爱的,公共汽车到了。 he hurried me into disguising as an old man. 他催促我赶快装扮成一个老人。 they did the work in a hurry. 他们匆忙地做完了这项工作。 you can make it if you hurry. 如果你赶快还可以及时赶到。

hurrykk: []dj: []vt.1. 使赶紧;催促the salesman hurried the customer tomake a choice.售货员催促顾客作出选择。2. 急派the sick child was hurried to the hospital.生病的小孩被赶紧送往医院。vi.1. 赶紧;匆忙she hurried home to tell them the news.她匆匆回家告诉他们这一消息。n.[u]1. 急忙;仓促;忙乱in her hurry she forgot

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