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时间:2024-07-02 03:07:15来源:肆参拓扑网







  英 [kntrst] 美 [kɑntrst]



  contrast的用法2:contrast用作不及物动词时,接介词with,表示与形成对照,主语一般是物。contrast也可用作及物动词,常用于contrast sth with sth 结构,意为使与相对照,主语一般为人,动词宾语与介词宾语表示相对照的物或事物。


  1. the boys room is a complete contrast to the guest room.


  2. the private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.


  3. hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in yugoslavia.


  4. in contrast with its surface fleet, britains submarine force was relatively small.


  5. by contrast, the comparable figure for the netherlands is 16 per cent.


  6. there is also an artful contrast of shapes.


  7. silk was used with wool for contrast.


  8. there is an obvious contrast between the cultures of east and west.


  9. the contrast between his ****whelming guitar-playing and his underwhelming singing


  10. his actions were in stark contrast to his words.


  11. in contrast with her sister, she is very tall.

  与姐姐相比, 她个子很高.

  12. it was cold yesterday, but in contrast its very hot today.

  昨天天气寒冷, 而相比之下今天却很热.

  13. itseems quite warm today by contrast with yesterdays icy wind.


  14. todays work is quite a contrast to what you did yesterday.


  15. black hair is a sharp contrast to a fair skin.


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