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时间:2024-09-28 03:31:24来源:肆参拓扑网







  英 [sens] 美 [sns]


  现在分词: sensing

  过去式: sensed

  过去分词: sensed


  . behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.


  2. though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.


  3. it makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming.


  4. in the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.


  5. there is a wry sense of humour in his work.


  6. molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction.


  7. he felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment.


  8. in every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.


  9. amy had the growing sense that she was adrift and isolated.


  10. we must keep a sense of proportion about all this.


  11. paul is a thoroughly likeable man with an unerring sense of comedy.


  12. mcgrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side.


  13. he always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss.


  14. he was sitting there saying, yes, the figures make sense.


  15. he acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.







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