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时间:2024-06-27 02:44:25来源:肆参拓扑网

futuren.未来, 将来, 前途, 远景adj.未来的, 将来的futureadj.将来的;未来的we're leaving this city; our future home will be in paris."我们就要离开这座城市了,我们未来的家将在巴黎。"futuren.将来;未来our future seems very uncertain.我们的未来似难预测。the ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets."在将来向遥远的行星飞行的时候,需要这样的能力。"前途;远景i wish you a happy future.祝你前途美好。there's no future in trying to sell furs in a hot country.在气候炎热的国家里做皮货生意是不会有前途的。〈语法〉将来时成功的可能性there's no future in this job.这工作没有成功的可能。(pl) 期货;期货合同cotton futures are selling at high prices.棉花期货以高价出售。futuren.将来, 未来, 今后前途; 远景【语】将来时; (动词的)将来式[pl. ]【商】期货, 期货交易[俚]未婚妻, 未婚夫未来将要发生的事情have a future有前途deal in futures作期货交易your future is bound up with the fate of your motherland.你的前途同祖国的命运紧密相联。futureadj.未来的, 将来的;【语】将来时的a future life来世future generations [ages]后代future perfect【语】将来完成体future shock未来冲击, 未来震惊症(不适应于迅速变化的客观环境)futurelessadj.无前途的, 无希望的for the future从今以后, 今后have a great future前途远大have no future没有前途in future今后, 往后in the future将来, 未来

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