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时间:2024-09-28 03:26:05来源:肆参拓扑网




  [书] (白净) white-skinned;blond;blonde;light-complexioned ;


  亦作 白晳 。亦作 白晰 。谓肤色白净。

  《左传昭公二十六年》:有君子白晳,鬒鬚眉,甚口。 唐 李白 《越女词》之二: 吴 儿多白皙,好为荡舟剧。 唐 皎然 《春夜赋得漉水囊歌送郑明府》: 吴 縑 楚 练何白晳,居士持来遣禪客。 孙犁 《澹定集同口旧事》: 黄振宗 是我初中时同班, 保定 旧家子弟,长得白晰漂亮。



  see that white throat>


  the people at highest risk for skin cancer are those who have fair complexions, freckles, red or blond hair and who always burn instead of tanning.



  fact: in their pursuit of beauty, women in some ancient cultures used toxic chemicals, such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and leeches to make their faces paler.


  said the queen, laying her hand on his shoulder-a white, beautiful hand, but digory could feel that it was strong as steel pincers.

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