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时间:2024-09-28 23:29:22来源:肆参拓扑网

float|fləʊt|a.intransitive verb①(be suspended on liquid, in air)«swimmer, object» 浮 wood floats木头可以浮起来 he was floating on his back他仰面浮在水上 ②(move on liquid or in air)«ship, log, swimmer» 漂浮 ; «feather, smoke, music» 飘浮 ; figurative «ideas, visions» 浮现 the body floated (back) up to the surface尸体浮上水面 clouds floated across the sky云在空中飘过 thoughts of lazy summer afternoons floated through his headfigurative 慵懒夏日午后的种种思绪浮现在他的脑海中 the faint sound of voices came floating across the water微弱的说话声从水面的另一端飘来 ③(move gracefully)飘然走动 she floated down the stairs她飘然走下台阶④finance «currency» 浮动 b.transitive verb①(suspend)使…浮起 ‹vessel, raft, log›to float the cream on top of the soup使奶油浮在汤的表面 ②(cause to move)«current, person» 使…漂流 ‹boat, cargo, feather›the trees are cut down, then floated downstream to the sawmill这些树被砍倒后顺流而下漂到锯木厂 ③figurative (propose)提出 ‹idea, project›④finance (offer shares in)«person, company» 发行 ‹shares, securities›; 使…上市 ‹company›⑤finance (allow to vary)«g****nment, country» 使…浮动 ‹currency›c.noun①fishing 浮子② british (swimmer's aid)浮板 ③(in cistern, carburettor)浮球 ④aviation 浮筒 ⑤biology 浮囊 ⑥(decorated truck)彩车 a carnival float狂欢节彩车 ⑦ british automobile 电动车 a milk float送奶电动车 ⑧ british (for expenses, in till)备用零钱 a cash float备用现金 ⑨construction 镘刀 ⑩ american culinary 加冰激凌的饮料


您所说的这个词语,是属于期货从业词汇的一个,掌握好期货从业词汇可以让您在期货从业的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:由公众股东持有,在公开市场流通的股票总数。计算方法为已发行股票总数 - 有限制股票





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