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时间:2024-09-28 05:32:36来源:肆参拓扑网



  拼音shēng jī b b

  英译full of vigour



  示例我国的第三产业~,发展非常迅速 。





  the anti virus software market for the most part has been a thriving one.


  autumns arrival, depression of the things, suddenly full of vigour.



  venus is beginning to modify the nature of her unlivable, boiling atmosphere, and mercury and the outer gas giants areexperiencing a great deal of exuberant growth in volcanism, planet quakes, and odd changes to their north and southpolar regions.


  chongqing municipality as a fourth, although located in the western, but in recent years has developed rapidly, thriving,and has become the focus of the western development strategy.


  oh, the next corner, some cement joint, stones, along the gaps, rickety out some ***** grass, although small, but still fullof vigour, blooming life beauty!

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