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时间:2024-09-28 21:24:03来源:肆参拓扑网

review 报错 英[rɪ'vjuː] 美[rɪ'vju]n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅vt. 回顾;检查;复审vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论

网络释义专业释义英英释义 复习




...超过 3 个页面; 编辑资讯 editorial mteril) 是由编辑剪辑选登的一些科研信 息, 篇幅不确定, 通常较短; 评论 (review) 是对已有研究的述评, 并指出未来研究的方向; 书评 book review) 是对已出版的书籍的评论; 新闻事件 news item) 是对一...

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技术评审(review)是开发组、测试组和相关人员(qa、 产品经理等1联合进行的,采用讲解、提问并使用编码模板进行的查找错误的活动。

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physical review物理评论;物理学评论

partisan review党派评论;党人评论;宗派评论

sociological review社会学评论;社会问题评论

beijing review北京周报;北京周刊;北京周报社;北京评论

review meeting工作总结会;审核会;评审会;审核会议

annual review年评;年度复查;年度审查;综述性期刊

audit review帐目审查;审计复核;审复核

military review阅兵式;阅兵大典;阅兵;军事评论

initial review先期审查;初步审查

更多收起网络短语专业: 经济学|法学|医药科学|文学|计算机科学技术|管理学|历史学|机械工程|农业科学|哲学|军事学|心理学|地球科学回顾 - 引用次数:2395

second part, review of vbm development.


参考来源 - 基于价值的管理研究 综述 - 引用次数:1248

part ii:“literature review”.


参考来源 - 现阶段农民工市民化问题研究 现状 - 引用次数:833

first of all, the significance and review of product reliability assessment were described.


参考来源 - 基于贝叶斯方法的可靠性评估研究 (研究生论文)评论 回顾 - 引用次数:446

first part, reeducation through labor review and development.


参考来源 - 劳动教养制度的现状和完善(研究生论文)评述 - 引用次数:21

the author will review near-sighted epidemiological studies, shortsighted risk factors and control methods of myopia.


参考来源 - 近视眼的防治探讨 检讨 - 引用次数:44

the first part of this paper analyzes the cause of review.


参考来源 - 建国初期文学界“检讨”研究 回眸 - 引用次数:6 参考来源 - **文学的问题意识和价值判断探蠡—《华文文学》—2009年第2期—龙源期刊网评审 - 引用次数:36

project management; distributed product development; program evaluation and review technique; work breakdown structure; workflow; fuzzy technique.

项目管理; 分布式产品开发; 计划评审技术; 工作分解结构; 工作流; 模糊技术。

参考来源 - 基于分布式产品开发的项目管理系统的研究与实现 查核 评析 - 引用次数:4

the fourth part, yun daiying thinking of the education review.


参考来源 - ***教育思想及其哲学基础商榷 - 引用次数:3 参考来源 - 《每周评论》与五四新文化运动 检测方法 - 引用次数:3

参考来源 - 紫外光照射下胆固醇及食品中胆固醇氧化物气相色谱分析考察 - 引用次数:10

in order to know what is humus acid and humus acid fertilizer,it is important to review the history of humus acid research and supply references to define of humus acid.


参考来源 - 腐殖酸及腐殖酸类肥料研究历史述评 审视 - 引用次数:11

this paper is divided into six chapters to review the modern moral example.


参考来源 - 道德榜样的现代审视阅兵(式) 复习

述评 ·以上统计来源于2,447,534篇论文数据,部分数据来源于note*******

review [ri'vju:] n.1. a new appraisal or evaluation2. an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)3. a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment4. (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data5. a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians6. a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art7. a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion8. (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court)9. practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory10. a formal or official examination

the platoon stood ready for review

v.1. look at again; examine again

let's review your situation

2. appraise critically

she reviews books for the new york times

3. hold a review (of troops)4. refresh one's memory

i reviewed the material before the test

5. look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember

she reviewed her achievements with pride

以上来源于: wordnet柯林斯英汉双解大词典21世纪大英汉词典 review /rɪˈvjuː/ cet4 tem4(revi****g, reviewed, reviews) 1.

n-counta review of a situation or system is its formal examination by people in authority. this is usually done in order to see whether it can be improved or corrected. (上级的) 审查[oft n 'of' n, also prep n]

例: the ********* ordered a review of u.s. economic aid to jordan.



v-tif you review a situation or system, you consider it carefully to see what is wrong with it or how it could be improved. 审裁; 审度

例: the ********* reviewed the situation with his cabinet yesterday.



n-counta review is a report in the media in which someone gives their opinion of something such as a new book or movie. 评论

例: we've never had a good review in the music press.



v-tif someone reviews something such as a new book or movie, they write a report or give a talk on television or radio in which they ******* their opinion of it. 对 (新作品) 作评论

例: richard coles reviews all the latest video releases.



v-t/v-iwhen you review for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. 复习[美国英语]


n-countreview is also a noun. 复习

例: if you have to c**** 12 chapters in american history, begin by planning on three two-hour reviews with four chapters per session.


review [ri'vju:] n.1. 检查;考察2. 观察;评述3. 回顾;反省4. 复查;复审;复核5. (报刊的)评论,评论文章6. 评论性刊物7. 复习,温习(功课)8. = revue9. (军队的)检阅;阅兵式vt.1. 回顾;检讨;反省:

lying in the bed, he reviewed the day's happenings.


2. 检验;审核:

they reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit.


3. 检阅:

the *********, on his arrival, reviewed the guard of honour at the airport.


4. (写文章)评论:

she reviews the new movie once a week in one of the evening papers.


5. 复查;【法律】复审:

the higher people's court may review decisions of the local court.


6. 复习,温习(功课):

in preparing for the final examination,she reviewed all the notes she had taken.


7. 再检查;再考察vi.1. 写评论(文章):

sometimes he reviewed for the principal papers.


2. 复习功课,温习功课:

they reviewed for the term examination till late at night.


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